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Presso la compagnia Famaga potete comprare Alfa Laval Cetetube, nonché altre parti di ricambio della compagnia Alfa Laval con consegna in tutto il mondo, compresa la vostra città Dublin. Per domandare dei prezzi, dei tempi di consegna e di altre caratteristiche dei prodotti Alfa Laval, vi preghiamo di compilare il modulo di feedback o d’inviare una descrizione di quello che vi è necessario all’indirizzo di posta elettronica sales@famaga.us
Cetetube is a range of vertical, tubular-type heat exchangers consisting of a bundle of spirally-spun, finned copper tubes inside a carbon steel shell. Cetetube can be used for different operating conditions, and all can be used in heating, ventilation and hot water systems. Cetetube is manufactured in seven sizes, with size designations ranging between 460 and 3500. Every size is manufactured in three different thermal lengths, to suit most operating conditions. The heat exchanger is designed to ensure turbulent flow both inside and outside the tubes. The turbulent flow is favourable from the heat exchange viewpoint and makes the heat exchangers self-cleaning, to minimise the risk of fouling of the heat transfer surfaces. How it works A Cetetube coil consists of finned copper tubes and is thermally optimized. The finned tube is designed to provide flow areas to suit modern operating conditions in heat exchange technology. Due to the fins, the outside heat transfer area of the tube is many times larger. The fins also serve as distinct spacers between the tube rows to ensure stability of the coil. Due to the stability and thus the repeatability in production, every Cetetube heat exchanger maintains the specified output. The Cetetube is designed for the same pressures and temperatures on both sides. The same heat exchanger type can be used for different operating conditions, and all can be used in heating, ventilation and hot water systems. In order to put the heat transfer capacity of the heat exchanger to maximum use, the higher flow rate is routed through the shell. However, for domestic hot water, the tap water flow must always be connected to the coil side. The maximum operating pressure is 1.6 MPa (gauge) on shell side and 2.5 MPa (gauge) on tube side. The corresponding maximum operating temperature is 150 °C on shell side and 160 °C on tube side.''Eseguiamo la fornitura
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Alfa Laval