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Presso la compagnia Famaga potete comprare Alfa Laval ALMEM, nonché altre parti di ricambio della compagnia Alfa Laval con consegna in tutto il mondo, compresa la vostra città Dublin. Per domandare dei prezzi, dei tempi di consegna e di altre caratteristiche dei prodotti Alfa Laval, vi preghiamo di compilare il modulo di feedback o d’inviare una descrizione di quello che vi è necessario all’indirizzo di posta elettronica sales@famaga.us

The standard Alfa Laval ALMEM-UF is an automatic, continuous membrane filtration system widely employed in the food, pharmaceutical and biotech industries. It uses cross-flow ultrafiltration to concentrate products effectively, and is backed by more than 50 years of experience in membrane technology. The flexible, easy-to-use design supports a range of specific concentration requirements to fit your special needs with minimal hold-up volume. A proven membrane filtration system for effective product concentration and purification- Cost-effective, ready-to-operate –standardized design with pre-assembled components and prefabricated piping
- Continuous product concentration thanks to flexible and automatic control
- Reliable, easy-to-use and easy-to-maintain operation – PLC for system and process control and monitoring, including CIP procedures
- Efficient to operate – main components including spiral membranes, pumps, valves and spare parts are manufactured by Alfa Laval
- Sanitary-level design – all piping and equipment in contact with the product or cleaning liquids are AISI 316L stainless steel
- Concentration of proteins, gums and other feeds prior to further evaporation.
- Processing animal blood plasma, gelatine, egg white, pectin and carrageenan.
- Recovery, purification and/or concentration of enzymes, yeast extract and amino acids.
- Production of natural colours and for the recovery of protein from waste streams.
- A special heating/cooling section for the feed solution and to recover the heat from the outgoing streams (shown on the picture)
- In-line refractometer instrument of the K-Patent type to control the product concentration in the final loop
- Loop plug-flow system to reduce the quantities of flushing water needed in the CIP sequence
- Heating section for CIP solution
- External CIP valve system with three diverting valves for cleaning of external feed, retentate and permeate lines
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Alfa Laval