
The modular dosing system is designed for controlled dosing of large or small volume components directly into a main product stream. Within the brewing and beverage industry, the process module is designed for in-line dosing and blending of various liquids to obtain the accurate final product in one step. For example, Alfadose can be used for adjusting beer taste and quality by addition of ingredients such as malt extract, hops extract, colour, flavour, etc. It is also utilized for dosing and blending various ingredients for soft drink manufacturing. Benefits
  • Developed in co-operation with the brewing industry
  • Automatic control and plug-and-play concept ensures a minimum of site work
  • Sanitary and compact design with low maintenance
  • Stable and reliable operation with outstanding dosing accuracy
  • Versatile and adaptable to different process requirements
How it works The dosing and mixing is carried out by continuously controlling the ratio of flows of the constituent components by use of high precision volume or mass flow meters. The dosing of ingredients is pre-selected on the control panel in the form of a recipe. The plant automation, controlling the operation, receives continuous data from the flow meters in the dosing lines and regulates the speed of the dosing pumps and/or regulating valves so that the preset dosing ratios are accurately maintained. A control panel with a PLC monitors the plant operation and relevant process data are displayed on the colour screen operator interface, such as:
  • Actual and set point dosing ratios
  • Actual and set point flow rates
  • Accumulated production volume
  • Plant status
  • Controller settings
  • Alarm status
Blending ratios for the production and, if required, the total production batch volume are preset by the operator. Operation is fully automatic and stop signal is given when the preset production volume is reached. A fail-safe system is monitoring the operation. ''